We have an ongoing commitment to making Redondobeachrealestatehomes.com accessible and to ensuring that our information, services and content are accessible to all persons including, but not limited to, users of screen reader technology and to implement technology and formatting that enables and maintains accessibility in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
Contact Us
Our efforts to maintain and improve the accessibility of our website are ongoing. If, at any time, you have specific questions or concerns about the accessibility of a particular web post or web page or if you experience difficulty accessing information on our site, please contact us by e-mail at accessibilty@keithkylehomes.com (link sends e-mail); by phone at 1-310-546-7611 x366 (8 a.m. to 6 p.m. PST); or by physical mail to: Keith Kyle: 2501 N Sepulveda Blvd, Manhattan Beach CA 90266. Please be sure to specify the web page and nature of the issue, and we will take action to make that post, page or the information contained therein accessible to you, including by providing the requested content in an alternative format.
- Alt-tags describing the purpose of the object for images and video.
- Device agnostic – responsive build
- Text descriptions for complex graphics
- Captions for video; descriptions for audio
- Links to video (rather than embedding), with additional links to media player downloads and transcript of text
- Pages free of strobe effects or flashing images