Tag: walkstreet homes
Hermosa and Manhattan Beach Luxury Walkstreet Homes Driving the Market
Hemosa Beach and Manhattan Beach Walkstreet Homes
Prices have jumped considerably in the sand sections of both Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach, and much of the reason is the recent flood of the market of very high end luxury homes in A+ locations. Although there are a few oceanfront “Strand” homes for sale, the primary reason for the recent rise in median prices is the number of homes and townhomes on the highly sought after “walkstreet” locations. The current median price for a Hermosa walkstreet home is $3974,000 and the current average price is $4,447,500. The current median price for a Manhattan Beach walkstreet home is $3,350,000 and the average price is $4,123,000.
For more information on the Manhattan Beach or Hermosa Beach sand section, or any of these luxury walkstreet properties, please feel free to contact us at 310-251-2344 or keith@keithkylehomes.com.
Hermosa Beach Sand Section Home Prices Reaching New Levels
Although median prices in a luxury market such as the Hermosa Beach sand section can vary dramatically due to one or two oceanfront home listings on The Strand, the median home prices for active listings has reached record highs. The sand section of Hermosa Beach is the area closest to the ocean and is bordered by Manhattan Beach to the north, the streets of Valley/Ardmore to the east, and Redondo Beach to the south. There are numerous housing options ranging from magnificent Strand homes, to “walkstreet” homes with an alley in the back but a pedestrian only sidewalk in the front, to endless ocean view condos, townhomes and single family. In general prices are higher north of Pier Avenue.
According to local realtor and Hermosa Beach resident Keith Kyle with South Bay Brokers “the homes active on the market are almost all exclusively very high end luxury homes and we’ve reach a median home price never seen before.” The current median home price for all types of active homes is at $3,749,000. This in a town where the median prices have hovered in the $1.1M-$1.2M in general for the past few years. There are many factors at the moment including a number of ocean front homes including 2666 The Strand, an oceanfront estate priced at a whopping $15,900,000 (incredibly it was raised from it’s original $13,900,000), 718 The Strand at $6,300,000 and 5 other homes priced over $4.0M with 3 walkstreet homes for sale.
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