Category: Selling homes in the South Bay
Latest Redondo Beach Real Estate Trends and Stats
The chart below shows the number of active homes for sale, pending escrows and closed home sales in Redond Beach and they compare with past months. View also the current homes for sale in Redondo Beach CA.
January 2021 Average For Sale Price is Appreciating*
Average For Sale Price (in thousand) in January 2021: $2771
• | Up 19.2% compared to last month |
• | Up 62.2% compared to last year |
January 2021 Average Sold Price is Neutral*
Average Sold Price (in thousand) in January 2021: $1249
• | Down 8.9% compared to last month |
• | Up 7.5% compared to last year |
*Based on 6 month trend – Appreciating/Depreciating/Neutral
Active, Pending and Closed Home Sales in Hermosa Beach
The chart below shows the average home prices for sale and “sold”
Everything Trending Up in Redondo Beach Real Estate
The real estate market in Redondo Beach is definitely trending up and firing on all cylinders. Take a look at the chart below to see how active listing inventory is on the rise, pending sales are way up and closed home sales are increasing rapidly.
View the current homes for sale in Redondo or request customized listing alerts and never miss a new listing again.
June 2020 Home Sales and Property Prices in Redondo Beach
June 2020 was another slow month in terms of the number of home sales in the coastal community of Redondo Beach. There were only 47 home sales which was much lower than any month in 2019. Both April and May had been fairly slow due to the concerns and uncertainty of the coronavirus and the impacts on real estate. Home prices on the other hand, were impressive. The median “list” price for the sold homes was $1,149,000 with the median “sold” price being $1,165,000 meaning that most homes sold over the asking price. The average price per foot was $677.04 and the average days on market was a very brief 27. View the past 15 months of real estate trends and statistics for Redondo Beach.
Current Redondo Beach homes for sale
June 2020 Property Sales and Home Prices in Redondo Beach
MLS # | Type | Addres | Price | $ Per Foot | Bed/Bath | Sq Feet | Year | |
PV20003066 | SFR/D | 309 | Calle De Andalucia | $1,950,000 | $584.53 | 4/2,3,1,0 | 3336/A | 2006/OTH |
SB20091568 | SFR/D | 341 | Calle Mayor | $2,351,000 | $867.21 | 4/2,0,1,0 | 2711/D | 1952/ASR |
SB20112988 | SFR/D | 529 | Paseo De La Playa | $5,650,000 | $1,777.29 | 4/2,1,0,0 | 3179/A | 1962/PUB |
SB20065471 | CONDO/A | 2001 | Artesia BLVD #416 | $595,000 | $572.12 | 2/1,1,0,0 | 1040/A | 2008/ASR |
SB20078612 | TWNHS/A | 2304 | Mathews AVE #3 | $780,000 | $523.49 | 2/1,1,1,0 | 1490/A | 1978/ASR |
SB20090566 | TWNHS/D | 2219 | Voorhees AVE #2 | $834,000 | $686.42 | 2/1,0,1,0 | 1215/A | 1978/PUB |
SB20051919 | TWNHS/A | 2513 | Mathews AVE #A | $915,000 | $551.87 | 4/3,0,0,0 | 1658/A | 2001/ASR |
SB20063257 | TWNHS/A | 2017 | Ruhland AVE #A | $1,157,000 | $466.91 | 4/3,0,0,0 | 2478/A | 1989/BLD |
SB20005175 | TWNHS/A | 2218 | Bataan RD #B | $1,172,000 | $506.48 | 3/2,0,1,0 | 2314/A | 1986/ASR |
OC20054369 | TWNHS/A | 1933 | Curtis AVE #A | $1,172,000 | $477.20 | 4/3,0,0,0 | 2456/A | 1990/ASR |
SB20082368 | CONDO/D | 1918 | Ruhland AVE #B | $1,244,000 | $502.22 | 3/3,0,0,0 | 2477/A | 1987/ASR |
SB20043223 | TWNHS/D | 2407 | Felton LN | $1,247,665 | $390.99 | 4/3,0,1,0 | 3191/A | 1990/ASR |
PW20085623 | SFR/D | 2306 | Graham AVE | $1,405,000 | $1,078.28 | 2/2,0,0,0 | 1303/SEE | 1951/ASR |
PV20081297 | TWNHS/D | 2203 | Ruhland AVE #A | $1,559,000 | $613.78 | 4/3,0,1,0 | 2540/B | 2020/BLD |
20578420 | TWNHS | 2603 | ROCKEFELLER LN #3 | $800,000 | $489.30 | 2/1,1,1,0 | 1635/A | 1980/ASR |
SB20073261 | TWNHS/A | 1916 | Rockefeller LN #2 | $855,000 | $391.84 | 3/2,0,1,0 | 2182/T | 1985/ASR |
SB20077522 | TWNHS/A | 1732 | Ruxton LN #G | $890,000 | $530.08 | 3/2,0,1,0 | 1679/A | 2000/ASR |
SB20084915 | TWNHS/A | 1923 | Marshallfield LN #D | $1,025,000 | $507.43 | 3/2,0,1,0 | 2020/A | 1983/ASR |
SB20077059 | SFR/D | 821 | Anita ST | $1,386,000 | $773.44 | 4/1,2,0,0 | 1792/P | 1963/PUB |
SB20073725 | SFR/D | 18522 | Grevillea AVE | $755,000 | $920.73 | 3/1,0,0,0 | 820/A | 1952/PUB |
PV20085973 | TWNHS/A | 630 | Meyer LN #A | $995,000 | $412.86 | 3/3,0,0,0 | 2410/A | 2002/ASR |
SB20062020 | SFR/D | 2511 | Alvord LN | $1,240,000 | $939.39 | 3/3,0,0,0 | 1320/A | 1953/ASR |
SB20071724 | SFR/D | 1140 | Harper AVE | $935,000 | $1,025.22 | 2/1,0,0,0 | 912/A | 1958/APP |
SB20058479 | SFR/D | 1600 | Spreckels LN | $978,000 | $627.73 | 3/2,0,0,0 | 1558/A | 1963/PUB |
SB20069859 | SFR/D | 1627 | Van Horne LN S | $1,060,000 | $575.15 | 3/1,2,0,0 | 1843/A | 1961/PUB |
SB20102451 | SFR/D | 1707 | Herrin ST | $1,165,000 | $802.89 | 3/1,0,1,0 | 1451/A | 1967/ASR |
SB20042904 | SFR/D | 1720 | Steinhart AVE | $1,200,000 | $679.12 | 3/2,0,0,0 | 1767/A | 1975/PUB |
RS20073580 | TWNHS/A | 239 N | Juanita AVE #E | $860,000 | $651.52 | 2/2,0,1,0 | 1320/A | 1979/ASR |
SB20075616 | TWNHS/D | 625 N | Lucia AVE #A | $1,190,000 | $462.14 | 3/2,0,1,0 | 2575/A | 1997/ASR |
SB20087245 | TWNHS/D | 231 S | Irena AVE #2 | $1,201,000 | $622.93 | 3/1,1,1,0 | 1928/A | 1981/ASR |
SB20070806 | SFR/D | 1011 | Garnet ST | $1,350,000 | $687.37 | 4/4,0,0,0 | 1964/A | 2007/ASR |
SB20117507 | TWNHS/D | 223 S | Irena AVE #B | $1,800,000 | $599.00 | 4/3,0,1,0 | 3005/B | 2020/BLD |
SB20117276 | TWNHS/D | 223 S | Irena AVE #A | $1,800,000 | $610.38 | 4/3,0,2,0 | 2949/B | 2020/BLD |
PV20031489 | TWNHS/D | 1011 | Spencer ST | $1,875,000 | $604.45 | 4/3,0,1,0 | 3102/B | 2020/BLD |
SB20084764 | CONDO/A | 826 | Camino Real #204 | $585,000 | $616.44 | 2/1,1,0,0 | 949/A | 1970/ASR |
PW20077057 | CONDO/A | 820 | Camino Real #105 | $590,000 | $621.71 | 2/2,0,0,0 | 949/A | 1970/PUB |
OC20068896 | CONDO/A | 1920 S | PCH #308 | $825,000 | $932.20 | 1/1,0,0,0 | 885/B | 2019/BLD |
OC20123835 | TWNHS/A | 1920 S | PCH #115 | $1,050,000 | $538.46 | 3/2,0,1,0 | 1950/B | 2019/BLD |
OC20068918 | TWNHS/A | 1920 S | PCH #117 | $1,050,000 | $538.46 | 3/2,0,1,0 | 1950/B | 2019/BLD |
PV20079867 | SFR/D | 847 | Avenue C | $1,250,000 | $581.40 | 4/2,1,0,0 | 2150/P | 1952/PUB |
SB20063194 | SFR/D | 602 | Faye LN | $1,280,000 | $636.82 | 4/1,1,0,0 | 2010/A | 1967/ASR |
PV20048242 | SFR/D | 501 | Avenue D | $1,595,000 | $1,085.77 | 3/1,1,0,0 | 1469/T | 1951/ASR |
20576054 | SFR | 1027 | AVENUE A | $2,800,000 | $642.35 | 4/5,0,1,0 | 4359/A | 2017/ASR |
SB20055463 | CONDO/A | 630 | The Village #105 | $585,000 | $945.07 | 1/1,0,0,0 | 619/A | 1974/ASR |
IN20070842 | CONDO/A | 535 | Esplanade #108 | $835,000 | $983.51 | 1/2,0,0,0 | 849/A | 1976/PUB |
SB20046115 | TWNHS/A | 617 S | Pacific Coast #A | $1,115,000 | $506.82 | 4/3,0,1,0 | 2200/E | 2006/ASR |
SB20051992 | TWNHS/A | 724 S | Broadway #C | $1,810,000 | $680.20 | 3/1,1,1,0 | 2661/T | 2004/ASR |
Video Tour of 206 Ruby St in South Redondo Beach CA
Take a video tour of our latest Redondo Beach listing at 206 Ruby Street. Enjoy!